Skydco Business Blog

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Is Internet advertising the Dark Side of the Force (discuss). by Steve Skyvington-Diplock

Have you ever noticed that the toy displayed in the advert on TV is not the toy you buy in the shop? They show animation in 3D cartoon figures on the advert, yet when you buy it there’s no movement. I understand that it’s all a sham but four year olds don’t. They think that Darth Vader is real.

Have you ever noticed that the deodorant you buy does not get women running after you or that your car is not really a transformer robot????

The Internet is similar, in that just about every site that offers to sell you something, doesn’t actually tell you what it’s selling.

It’s site after site of what they do when they get up in the morning. How many minutes it takes them to make a zillion dollars before going to play golf on board their private jet. Oh and hey, don’t forget about the picture of the couple stood in front of the mansion with their Ferrari.

Or what about the site that says join me and I’ll show you how, I made a million dollars last year. I will mentor you. Follow my steps. It’s only when you get an email telling you that your moving so fast that they haven’t designed the next web page that you realise this is another virtual vapour site. A good term for our virtual reality world - Virtual Vapour Site.

Don’t you think that there should be a law against HYIP sites they should have to be called HRHYIP (and I’m not talking His Royal Highness Yield in Peace) I’m talking High Risk High Yield Investment programs, (oh and when we got enough, bye, and we’ll open tomorrow under a new name, after all we've still got the template). HA HA

Make millions giving away web sites, Yeah I tried that one. What about the guys that are the webmasters of a program in which you’re a member, but they still email you as a prospect because you’re on their mailing list, DUH

So where do we go from here?

We know how to filter the bull when we watch television but why do we know not know how to filter it on the web, in our virtual world. There are good products and sites out there, but they are few and far between and you have to find them. With the ever-increasing numbers of promises of the Holy Grail where are we to look?

I let you know when I find out…May the force be with you.