Skydco Business Blog

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Success is only a Plan Away! by: Shelly Lockwood

Let's step back from the World Wide Web for a moment. In fact we're going to pretend it doesn't exist yet. Don't panic! Just trying to make a point here.
OK so you're sitting at your desk. You stare at the clock on the wall. It's almost five! Can't wait to get out of there and start the long commute home.
It's the week-end, so you have some time to think. You start to wonder what it would be like to run your own business. You've always wanted to work for yourself. Better still, to work from home.

What's stopped you up until now?

Money? Right. How many of us have funds to invest in starting our own company? Not every day people like you and I.

Time? Too true. We're too busy earning a living.

Products? Sure. Could just see the basement now. Stock piled to the ceiling with gizmos.
Back to the present we go. OK, now we're back online. Phew! Glad that part's over.
You've heard all about people making money on the Internet. You decide to give it a whirl. Everybody makes it sound so easy. You see one amazing opportunity after another.
Money is no longer a problem. It takes very little to get going on the web.
Time can be managed pretty efficiently thanks to automation.

Products galore are available. Ways to develop your own as well. You can even write an e-book.
So you jump right in. You sign up as an affiliate here, buy some e-books there. You sign up here, there and everywhere. You have a slew of great products with resale rights. You're promoting your web site. Not to mention writing your own e-book.

Before you know it you've spent money you didn't have.

Invested time with no results. Your family doesn't even set your place at the table anymore.
You're wondering what went wrong. You're discouraged and about to give up. Want a friendly word of advise? DON'T!

Let's just step back offline for a minute.

This is where so many people make a critical mistake. Yes you can start your online business with very little cash. Yes you can juggle an amazing multitude of tasks through automation. As far as products go, the sky's the limit.

Go ahead, alt tab between "online" and "offline" business worlds. You wouldn't attempt to venture into the offline business world without a plan. I mean the first step is a business plan, right? Why would it be any different for an online business?

The majority of small businesses fail because they fail to plan. Online or offline, period!
If you can relate to this, then don't fret. You started on track. Ok, so you took a bit of a detour. No biggie. Just consider it part of the development stage.

Get back on track today. Write a business plan and implement it.
Oh, and let's not forget one last thing. "Get rich quick" just won't cut it, online or off. That's why they're usually referred to as schemes.

Here's to your scam free success!

Shelley Lockwood is the webmaster of She encourages everyone to help stop the spread of online scams by becoming aware, and by spreading that awareness. You can learn more about online scams by visiting her site.

About The Author Shelley Lockwood
Exposed! Home business scams, Money making scams, Internet scams, email scams & more.
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